
無私不求回報,全心為我福祉的一份機緣 (牛油果)

翻譯自: The One Thing That Does Not Betray And Is A True Advocate For My Happiness (附英語原文)





這段時期,自己忽略了H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛的教導,整個人都在倒退中,沒有按照佛陀的教化,荒怠修行,每天的時間和精力都全給世間學習、工作、社交等俗世瑣事佔據,浪費著光陰卻不以為忤。今天驀然回首,驚覺自己身心都變得那麼醜陋低俗。

我讓自卑侵蝕內心,用冷酷蒙蔽善念;滿以為這樣可以回復自我,結果幸福逐漸轉化為惡果。這就是無明,這就是沒有奉行H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛正法的結果。我慚愧自稱為佛陀的弟子,卻無視真正的道理,這種愚癡落得迷失和懊悔。




筆者: 牛油果
譯者: 小蒜


英語原文: The One Thing That Does Not Betray And Is A True Advocate For My Happiness

With the passing of 2016, I can’t help myself but reflect on the year and its happenings. As with every year, there have been many memorable moments; 2016 has been a particularly difficult year for me and I hope that I can turn these experiences into valuable life lessons, rather than having only gained suffering from them.

The year has taught me that, anyone and everyone - whether it is family or friends, can cause disappointment, betrayal and hurt. This may be intentional or unintentional. Actually, it is not just limited to family and friends; this expands to anyone that I had come into contact with, whether it is doctors or the waiter at the restaurant, and even myself. 

My sincere trust and love maybe reciprocated with betrayal and hate; my diligence and efforts maybe recompensed with indifference and exploitation; my kindness maybe repaid with manipulation. Society is also not on our side; with women’s rights still constantly being ignored, racism on the rise, political wars, and the list goes on.  Even within ourselves, we might think that we are doing our best to benefit ourselves, however we are the culprits who overthink, hold a grudge, stress and burn ourselves up inside – neglecting what is good for us, ignoring the best solutions because they are not always the easy solutions. In a world, where sometimes we cannot even trust ourselves, what can we trust?

To this, my answer is the true Buddha Dharma. 

I have to admit I have recently neglected the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. I have found myself to be on the slippery slope of degeneration. I have acted without reflecting on the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I have disregarded my practice, and diverted my time and efforts to everyday matters such as studying, working and socialising - letting the days go by, thinking that it isn’t doing any harm whatsoever. Today I reflect and realise what an ugly human I have become – both externally and internally. I let menial issues become so personal, that it eats me up inside; my compassionate nature has shrunken to a level whereby I can be cold and ruthless; my happiness has faded to somewhat bitterness, and the hope that I can be content like I was before. This is the result of non-cultivation and not following the truth expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. It is shameful to call myself a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III; the ignorance of knowing the truth, yet ignoring it has certainly resulted in nothing but regret and loss.

What I have learnt is that the true Buddha Dharma is the one and only thing in this world that is truly advocating for my happiness and benefit. My trust and love is rewarded with loyalty and even more love; my diligence and efforts are paid back with evident self-improvement, happiness, peace of mind and a contented heart. The true Buddha Dharma does not incite gender inequality; actually it is the only religion I know of, whereby females and males are treated as equals – practices and expectations do not differ based on gender. In a world where selfish behaviour has become a key strategy for survival, the true Buddha Dharma has shown that this method of survival is meaningless, as at the end of that road is not happiness, but a lonely place filled with resentment and suffering. The true Buddha Dharma provides the means and guidance to show that eternal happiness can be achieved. When I actually, and truly put others first I find happiness. When I learn that letting go and impermanence comes hand in hand, I find happiness. With wholehearted diligence in the Buddha Dharma, I will find happiness.

This year in particular, I have questioned and doubted the teachings of the true Buddha Dharma. However, with every question and doubt, I always come to the same conclusion – that the true Buddha Dharma makes sense and is logical – this truth may not always be easy to accept, as the true Buddha Dharma is like a mirror, reflecting our flaws without holding back. I’ve been told that I should not question or doubt the true Buddha Dharma, however, I feel that this is an important aspect in my growth and understanding of it. Blindly following teachings or principles that I do not understand the reasoning behind seems pointless. If I understand the benefits of the teachings and principles, then surely I will put even more effort into cultivation and practice.

I hope that I can reciprocate the Buddha’s and Bodhissatva’s trust and love with diligence in their teachings, and not become someone that only seeks it only when I need it.

I hope that those who have discovered the true Buddha Dharma will not overlook it like I did, and share it with as many people as we can – how rare it is to find something that is only advocating for our benefit and happiness, and asks for nothing more than our efforts, which ultimately bring benefit and happiness to our life.


(The above is purely personal understanding for reference only, all greatness and inconceivable virtue should be in accordance with the dharma discourses of  H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III . Amitabha.)


